Shaun Robinson

TV Host • Author • Producer • Motown Gal

This Weekend

Missed this lady sooo much! Many restaurants are back open in LA so today, Tracey E. Edmonds and I resumed our regular girlfriend lunch for the first time in 3 months! We definitely had our masks 😷 and lots of hand sanitizer! It felt so good to see each other and support our local businesses that have been struggling. I hope you all spent the weekend with someone you love. 💕


Memorial Day

On Memorial Day, we honor those fallen soldiers who gave their lives for our freedom. We honor Pvt. Janelle F. King, Spec. Tyanna S. Avery-Felder, Spec. Christine M. Ndururi, Staff Sgt. Lillian Clamens, Sgt. Keicia M. Hines, Pfc. Lavena L. Johnson, Spec. Lakeisha M. Bailey, Staff Sgt. Carletta S. Davis, Petty Officer 1st Class Cherie L. Morton, Army Spc. Katrina L. Johnson, Staff Sgt. Alicia Birchett, Pfc. Leslie D. Jackson and thousands of others. Thank you for your service. Rest in Eternal Peace. 🇺🇸 Information list from the Faces of the Fallen by Washington Post and the National Association of Black Military Women.


2020 Graduates

The JOY of Sisterhood! To the ladies of the Class of 2020 at my alma mater , Spelman College, and to all the graduating seniors across the country, we salute you! #CELEBRATE your hard work this year. You deserve all the ACCOLADES and PRAISE! 💙 #TB to our class reunion #SistersChapel #spelmansisters


Throwback Thursday

I still have time for a #tbt. Detroit. Northwest side. Cherrylawn Street. Back in the day. A time when we just hung outside enjoying the sunshine. “I wish those days 🎶 would 🎵come back once more.” 🎼


Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts

"Full Circle" - I was so moved by the Mother's Day sermon that Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts gave that I wanted to speak with her about the origin of the message. She spoke about our lives moving in circles and how we can use those circles in trying times like we are in now. I hope my conversation with this phenomenal woman touches you and inspires you.

Celebrating HBCU’S

I am honored to be a part of President Barack Obama’s Celebration of HBCU’s graduating class of 2020! The #ShowMeYourWalk presented is presented by Chase this Sat. May 16th, 2pmET/11amPT. Join me, Kevin Hart, Senator Kamala Harris, Steve Harvey and a host of others as we give the students and their families the celebration they deserve! Click here to find out more info.

Celebrating 2020 Graduates

Celebrating 2020 Graduates


Happy Mother’s Day

Mom, a cute throwback on this special day. You were giving your model pose while I was cheesing for the camera. I wish I could squeeze you in person. Can’t wait until we can take another picture. While we are social distancing, I’m sending you a cyber hug and wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day!


Niya Brown Matthews - COVID-19 Survivor

"I take it very personal...I see people out with no mask, no gloves and I can't believe it."

43-year-old Niya Brown Matthews says she almost died after contracting COVID-19.

The wife and mother who lives in Georgia says it is very disturbing to see people outdoors without the proper protection and not social distancing.

And she has a message for those who think they could not be seriously affected.

Black Women and COVID-19

I interviewed Chilah Harper, a nurse at Veterans’ Hospital in my hometown of Detroit, Michigan. She almost lost her life after contracting the coronavirus. I wanted to talk to her because black women are the underrepresented face of COVID-19 and more of their stories need to be told.

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