We all need someone to take us under their wing and help guide us in unfamiliar and intimidating environments. This was my someone when I was a freshman at #SpelmanCollege - Suzette Irving. Spelman use to pair incoming freshman students with juniors as Big Sisters/Little Sisters. It was so helpful because, for most of us, it was the first time we were on our own and, truth be told, I was a little scared. 😬 I was paired with a junior, (Julie C. 🥰) and she was very cool. Then, I also met Suzette. She was a senior - so sweet, smart, beautiful, popular and instantly loved me. “Suzie Q” as we called her, declared herself my Big Sister. ☺️ She always had my back - always there for advice about studies, boys, being on my own for the first time. And we are still friends to this day. I was so happy to see her at the #AlphaPhiAlpha #AlphaRho #MorehouseCollege Gala this weekend! Love you, Susie Q! 💙
LIFE is about expanding your horizons and exploring new chapters and the one I added relatively recently was that of EXECUTIVE PRODUCER. I’m blessed to have EP’d 5 (FIVE!) television movies! People always ask me, “how did I do it?” In 2017, I optioned a series of books by award-winning author and my friend Victoria Christopher Murray. Victoria had just written LUST - the first book in her “7 Deadly Sins” series. The other books in the series had not yet been written. Victoria always tells the story of how, once we partnered, I helped her came up with the plot lines for her second book ENVY and the third book GREED. (Something I had so much fun doing!) Then, through a series of events - including partnering with TD Jakes and Derrick Williams - Lifetime turned the books into movies! 🎥 LUST, ENVY, GREED, WRATH and PRIDE! It has been such a blessing. Hopefully we can also bring you SLOTH and GLUTTONY. Thank you for supporting this journey. It means so much to me! 🙏🏾 And, don’t let anyone put you in a box! It’s never too late. You can do what you put your mind and hard work to! 👊🏾
I had such a wonderful evening hosting the Centennial Celebration of Alpha phi Alpha Alpha Rho Chapter of Morehouse College in Atlanta last night. A few “short” years ago when I was a student at Spelman College (😉) I was Miss Black & Gold for the Alphas. It was so beautiful seeing so many of my Morehouse Brothers and Spelman Sisters 💙 and taking a walk down Memory Lane a learning about the incredible history of the Alphas and all they have contributed to society. 🖤💛
This is my “Give Some Love” Day to Taraji P. Henson. Taraji and I go way back to my reporting days at #AccessHollywood. (This shot was from the Soul Train Awards where she said something witty!). She has always been gracious, fun and professional whenever I interviewed her. Taraji has been in the game for a long time and, as we have heard her say recently, it hasn’t been an easy road. Many can identify with putting in the work day-after-day, year-after-year, decade-after-decade all the while not being compensated fairly and equally for your work. But, you keep pushing on because, you have to. #Taraji is an ICON. And her vulnerability will help others coming behind her and, as importantly, lead to the industry - that she has put her heart and soul into - treating HER fairly. Taraji, we give you, your flowers. 💐
Happy New Year, FAM! 🎊 I’m wishing you a blessed start to this new day! If you know anything about me, you know that I love you ring in the new year in church. My sister-in-law Carolyn Grace Davis and I attended Watchnight service called THE CROSSOVER at Faithful Central Bible Church and it was amazing! This was our new pastor Pastor JP Foster first New Year’s Eve service and he had a powerful message about pursuing your dreams by overcoming Procrastination, Discouragement from others and Fear of failure. We loved that our former bishop and First Lady Dr. Kenneth C. Ulmer and Togetta Ulmer were in attendance. We were treated to an amazing concert featuring Jonathan Nelson and gifted with these Crossover journals to help manifest our dreams by writing them down and giving us clarity. It was a real blessing. 2024 is going to be your year, FAM! Sending you LOVE! ❤️
2023 was a year of blessings for my nonprofit- the S.H.A.U.N. Foundation for Girls. We celebrated our 7th anniversary and, after rebounding from the pandemic, we marked a total of over $100,000 in grants given to nonprofits that center underserved and underrepresented girls and young women. And, we were only able to do it through the incredible supporters that include many of you. 🫶🏾 If you have given to the S.H.A.U.N. Foundation for Girls, we honor you by putting your name on our Village of Donors - PLATINUM, GOLD, SILVER and MAGNOLIA- on our website. I hope you can check it out. Our goal for 2024 is to triple our impact in grant giving. And, I believe, together, we can do it! When you empower a girl, she WILL change the world! 💜👧🏾 Thank you, so very much, for your support!
I’m wishing you Love, Rest and Peace for the holiday and always! xo, Shaun
Another great Tell All Reunion show for 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way!
Thank you to our amazing village of supporters who came out to support the S.H.A.U.N. Foundation for Girls Holiday Brunch. We raised money for our mission to empower underserved and underrepresented girls and young women!
It’s Giving Tuesday! The annual global day of giving to nonprofits! I hope you will consider a tax-deductible donation to the S.H.A.U.N. Foundation for Girls and our mission to empower underserved and underrepresented girls and young women. Shaunfoundationforgirls.org/donate
“When God decides to bless you, He will cause situations to come together in your favor, no matter what others try to do.” ❤️
One of my favorite pictures of my dad. He “upped” his age so that he could serve in the army early. To Daddy and all those who have served in our military - and their families…on this Veterans Day, we honor you and thank you for your service. 🇺🇸 p.s. Dad signed this pic, “Forever, Wylie”. I think it was to my grandma, his mom. I always loved that Dad had such beautiful penmanship. ✍🏾
I would love for you to take a few minutes to look at the mission of my nonprofit - the S.H.A.U.N. Foundation for Girls. 💜
On a #GirlsTrip to #CaboSanLucasMexico to celebrate the birthday of my dear friend Lisa Gilford. (At the head of the table in orange 🧡). I adore Lisa because she is such a beautiful spirit and she serves as Secretary of the board of my nonprofit the S.H.A.U.N. for Girls. We are so happy to celebrate you, Lisa, and wishing you a year of more happiness than your heart can hold!