Getting out of our own way
My mother has always taught me to have faith and that "All is Well'.
That is oftentimes a very difficult philosophy to have, especially in these changing times. Fear can keep us immobile in its grips. Fear can lead us to some habits that sabotage our growth. I read that we may know that we are doing self-destructive things because we feel that we don't deserve love. We become involved with people who don't have our best interests at heart or we abuse our bodies or just neglect our own needs.
We can, no doubt, see that we are getting in our own way. But, we have to have faith in a power much greater than us and we have to step-aside and let that power in. But, sometimes we don't want to let go. We'll do the same thing over and over again and keep ourselves stuck because we fear change. But, once we let go, we can realize that there is power greater than us - we can have a spiritual awakening.
Someone once said, "we possess a gift and that gift is FAITH. Faith in our ability to change and grow. They said, that we are children of God. "All the creative power of the universe streams through us, if we don't block it."